Event Series Online – Woman Life Freedom (3 part series)

Online – Woman Life Freedom (3 part series)


Woman, Life, Freedom: The Iranian Women's Revolution in Transnational Context, with Dr. Yalda Hamidi from Minnesota State University-Mankato, is a three-part online series. Participants will learn more about Iranian history and culture, women's rights in Iran, and the current women's revolution, using pre-assigned readings and primary resources to guide their discussions. Participants must attend all three sessions.


Onamia and Online – Dakota and Ojibwe Languages Symposium

Grand Casino Mille Lacs 777 Grand Avenue, Onamia, MN, United States

The Minnesota Indian Affairs Council’s Language Revitalization Working Group, partnering with the Minnesota Humanities Center, is hosting a two-day Dakota & Ojibwe Languages Symposium! The goal of the symposium is to bring people working in Dakota & Ojibwe language revitalization together.


St. Paul – Latine Hxstory and the Xican@ Pop-Up Book Movement

Minnesota Humanities Event Center 987 Ivy Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, United States

K-12 educators will receive 6 clock hours. This workshop will introduce teachers to the Xican@ Pop-Up Book (XPUB) movement that was developed by Dr. Elias Serna and John Avalos Rios as a response to the dismantling of the Mexican American Studies (MAS) Department in Tucson, Arizona.


Coleraine – Teaching American Indian Content to All

Greenway High School 308 Roosevelt Street, Coleraine, MN, United States

Educators in the Coleraine area are invited to attend Teaching American Indian Content to All at Greenway High School — two days of multiple classes covering all teaching grade levels and subjects. CEUs are available for participating educators.


Learning from Place: LGBTQ+ History in Downtown Minneapolis

Loring Community Arts Center 1382 Willow Street, Minneapolis, MN, United States

K-12 educators will receive 3 clock hours. Be immersed by traveling through downtown Minneapolis, interspersing history with storytelling from local LGBTQ+ activists and artists.


Learning from Place: St. Paul’s Little Africa

Snelling Cafe and Restaurant 638 Snelling Ave N, St. Paul

K-12 educators will receive 3 clock hours. Build your cultural understanding and awareness of Minnesota’s African cultures as you immerse yourself within St. Paul’s Little Africa cultural corridor.


St. Paul – Learning from Place: Bdote

Indian Mounds Regional Park 10 Mounds Blvd, St. Paul

K-12 educators will receive 5 clock hours. Learning from Place: Bdote is an immersive experience that brings participants to sites of great significance to Dakota people in the Twin Cities. Participants will learn from Dakota community members through stories and histories that have often been left out of our state’s history.


Birmingham, AL – There IS a Balm in Gilead: Healing from the Events of 1963 National Conference

Sheraton Birmingham Hotel 2101 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, AL, United States

This year, 2023, the City of Birmingham commemorates sixty years since the Birmingham campaign for civil and human rights. As a part of the commemorative events, The Historic Bethel Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama, is pleased to announce its conference on individual and community healing. The conference theme is “There IS A Balm in Gilead: Healing From The Events of 1963.” The conference will take place September 12-14, 2023 in Birmingham, Alabama.


Staples – Including An Indigenous Lens that Honors the Past, Present, and Future

Sourcewell 202 12th Street NE, Staples, MN, United States

In this session of Excavating Excellence: A Speaker Series and Cohort offered by Sourcewell, we will excavate a perspective that is too often minimized, misrepresented, or sometimes completely absent: the perspective of our nation's first people.


Online – Refraction: A Gender and Sexuality Discussion Series


In this three-part discussion series, we will consider how gender and sexuality are refracted, or how their meaning and social expression are changing and moving as we think through the topics of transgender rights, book bans, and masculinity. This session of Refraction: A Gender and Sexuality Discussion Series will examine the controversy over sexuality and book bans, and what can be done to continue the freedom to read.


Online – Refraction: A Gender and Sexuality Discussion Series


In this three-part discussion series, we will consider how gender and sexuality are refracted, or how their meaning and social expression are changing and moving as we think through the topics of transgender rights, book bans, and masculinity. This session of Refraction: A Gender and Sexuality Discussion Series will examine issues related to gender and sexuality continue to be paramount in many areas, including politics, law, health care, parenting, identity, and social justice.
