Cambodian American Community Partnership
Celebrate the culture, history, and identity of Minnesota’s Cambodian community.

Over the last several years, the Minnesota Humanities Center has partnered with the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans to amplify and celebrate the communities the Council represents. This year our collaboration focuses on supporting the Cambodian American Community Partnership as they launch their first annual Cambodian Heritage Celebration. We are thrilled to support this group of emerging leaders within the Cambodian community in Minnesota in realizing their vision to amplify and celebrate their culture, history, and identity, and to educate all Minnesotans.
Contact Us
Casey DeMarais

2023 Cambodian Heritage Celebration
What we know about the Khmer empire is based on archeological excavation and investigation, stone inscriptions, reliefs in temple walls, and reports from Chinese diplomats, traders, and travelers. The Cambodian Heritage Celebration is designed to increase Minnesotans’ knowledge and understanding of how culture and religion are identified through historical iconography.
We invite you to attend the first annual Cambodian Heritage Day Celebration on September 23 at the Minnesota Historical Society (345 W Kellogg Blvd, Saint Paul 55102), from 6 – 10 p.m. This event celebrates the rich heritage of Cambodian Minnesotans through the art of performances, music, food, and much more. There is no cost for the event, but registration is strongly encouraged.
Did You Know?
The largest of Minnesota’s refugee-experienced majority communities is the Hmong, estimated at more than 80,000 strong. The Vietnamese community is the 2nd largest, estimated at more than 30,000. In contrast, the Lao and Cambodian communities are 13,000 and 10,000 strong, respectively. These latter two communities have largely remained unnoticed by mainstream populations in Minnesota. This is due to several variables beyond the control of Lao and Cambodian Minnesotans, including their relatively smaller size.
About the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans
The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans works toward economic, social, legal, and political equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) heritage. Minnesota’s API communities benefit from the Council’s work. The Council is charged with advocating on behalf of Minnesota’s API communities, so the Council’s decisions and actions must meaningfully contribute to their well-being. Minnesota’s API community is diverse across educational, economic, and ethnic boundaries. In response, the Council must practice adaptive and community-centered leadership.