Minnesota Humanities Center

Resistance, Resilience, & Reimagination

Teacher Mentorship for Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers

Join teachers of color and American Indian teachers from across the state in a year-long program designed to engage participants in navigating education systems with resistance, resilience, and reimagination.

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Corey China

About Resistance, Resilience, and Reimagination

The Resistance, Resilience, and Reimagination program seeks to support teachers of color and American Indian teachers by removing barriers to professional development and creating affinity spaces and mentorship opportunities. 

Program Components

This program has four main components to support participants in their professional development and to support each other through mentorship.  

Graduate Credits
  • Free Metro State University graduate credits
  • Any Minnesota teacher of color or American Indian teacher can earn credits towards a first Master’s degree or a second teaching license for free
Affinity Group Sessions
  • Any Minnesota teacher, paraprofessional, teacher of color, American Indian teacher, or international teacher will be paid to participate in cross-district affinity groups
Mentorship Opportunities
  • Any teacher of color or American Indian teacher can be paid to attend professional development on mentorship and/or paid to serve as year-round peer mentors for teachers of all races and ethnicities
MHC Professional Development
  • Any teacher of color or American Indian teacher can participate in select MHC professional development opportunities for free

Our Theory of Action

Through recommendations and input from our 2023 cohort of participants, this program has been intentionally designed with the following approach.

  • Focusing on resilience by supporting teachers who are from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to navigate fragility when it comes to addressing race in school systems
  • Mentoring opportunities for teachers of color and American Indian teachers to connect, receive mentoring, and become mentors for others
  • Providing opportunities for professional growth and career advancement
Embracing and Celebrating
  • Embracing and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and experiences of teachers who are from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
  • Creating culturally relevant and safe affinity spaces beyond individual school districts or communities
  • Strengthening connections across and within districts related to career advancement, mentoring, cultural transformation, and professional growth for teachers who are from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
  • Connecting teachers with professional opportunities, networks, and organizations
  • Establishing safe spaces in which participants can see themselves and hear their own voices

About the Partnership

This program is offered through a multi-year partnership between ISD 917, Metro State University, and MHC, funded through the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB).

Our partnership goals include bringing teachers of color and American Indian teachers together to feel valued, connect with each other and wider support networks, and lead transformative change within the K-12 ecosystem. 

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